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Hama Uv Lens Filter - 58 Mm 316101

£35.92 £35.92
SKU: 4024271
Vendor: Hama
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HAMA UV Lens Filter - 58 mm, Brand: Hama, Seller Product Id: 10217024,Model: 316101, Category: Accessories, Seller Category: Accessories, Seller: Currys, Specifications: [ { groupLabel: GENERAL, specifications: [ { label: Dimensions }, { label: Manufacturer's guarantee, value: 2 years }, { label: Box contents, value: Hama 00070058 UV Lens Filter }, { label: Weight } ] }, { groupLabel: OVERVIEW, specifications: [ { label: Compatibility }, { label: Lens diameter, value: 58 mm }, { label: Other features, value: - Black finishn- UV-390 (O-Haze) }, { label: Type, value: UV filter }, { label: Material } ] }], EAN: 4007249700582, Sold and dispached by Currys, Price & stock last checked on 5 Sep 2022, FREE Delivery within 3 days in the UK, 10/24/2020,
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